martedì 20 febbraio 2024

Ultima mobilità in Lituania dal 4 al 9 dicembre 2023

TPM ( Transnational project meetings)

sabato 25 novembre 2023

Gli studenti del Liceo "Ruggero,Settimo" Diego Russo (5 BL), Sara Lombardo (5 AD), Sofia Lombardo (5 CL), Alessandro Sapia (5CC) accompagnati dalla professoressa Palma Plumeri (referente del Progetto Erasmus) e dalla professoressa Maria Grazia Trobia, nella settimana tra il 15 e il 21 Ottobre, si sono recati a Elazig in Turchia per il Progetto Erasmus "Build Up Your Future Through Arts"  “Costruisci il tuo futuro attraverso le Arti” (Erasmus + AK 220 - 2022-2024).Il progetto, che ha avuto inizio nel 2020, ha coinvolto 5 paesi: Italia, Polonia, Lituania, Portogallo (appartenenti all’Unione Europea) e Turchia.

Durante la permanenza in Turchia gli studenti, guidati dai professori e dai ragazzi del luogo, si sono dedicati all’apprendimento delle arti tipiche del luogo come la pittura su vetro e le danze. Molto suggestive sono state le visite che hanno permesso ai nostri studenti di entrare in contatto con usi, costumi e tradizioni diverse, come ad esempio la visione dei musei storici, di arte moderna e di storia musicale del luogo e anche la visita della città e dei suoi monumenti simbolici. Proprio nel municipio cittadino i ragazzi hanno assistito ad un concerto tenuto, per l’occasione, dai ragazzi turchi. In un distretto della città di Elazig, i ragazzi hanno potuto assistere allo svolgimento di attività tradizionali come la pesca e in tale occasione hanno gustato le prelibatezze locali.

L’Erasmus è di per sé un’esperienza che ha lo scopo di facilitare gli scambi culturali tra i paesi che vi hanno preso parte. Questo ha portato i nostri 4 studenti a relazionarsi con i ragazzi degli altri paesi facilitando la nascita di amicizie; oggi fondamentali, in un'Europa logorata dalla morsa della guerra in Ucraina. Ma più in generale in un mondo dove l’odio e le discriminazioni crescono esponenzialmente.

I nostri ragazzi si sono messi alla prova in vari campi svolgendo diverse attività, con un unico proposito: quello di migliorare. Per adempiere meglio a questo proposito si sono confrontati con i ragazzi del luogo, che li hanno accompagnati durante tutto il percorso facendo loro da guide nella visita del complesso scolastico e nell’illustrazione delle attività quotidiane. Il confronto è stato estremamente positivo e fruttuoso; i ragazzi turchi si sono rivelati molto ospitali e disponibili. L’esperienza ha inebriato gli animi di tutti i partecipanti che adesso hanno nuovi amici sia nelle proprie scuole che nel resto dell’Europa. Quest’esperienza è stata portatrice di molti doni: uno fra tanti quello di far emergere attitudini che erano rimaste sepolte nel profondo di ognuno.

domenica 19 marzo 2023


 The last day students got their certificates and spent an afternoon all together at the seaside


Another interesting and involving  workshop was the photography one, where the students learnt how to take professional photos

Visit to the  Bombarralense cultural music club 

Cultural music club

Another great activity, during the erasmus mobility in Portugal, was visiting the World Broadcast Radio where students experienced how to become radio journalists

A message for Turkish friends

Cultural Treasures

The project "Build up your future though arts" gave all participants the opportunity to be involved in various activities like the sightseeing and discovering the artistic and cultural tresures of Lisbon.

Second day
School workshop about arts to deal with social issues, by Dinamo association. 
Students have showed their talent in dancing and singing

 Third mobility in Lisbon, Portugal

First day 26/02/2023

Departure from Catania airport to Lisbon

mercoledì 30 novembre 2022

Mobility in Lithuania

The mobility in Lithuania had a task to weave a tape of friendship between different young people from different countries and cultures. The task was completed successfully.

The first day of the mobility in Lithuania was cold but very exciting!!!
Students from Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Turkey spent time together sighseeing around Vilnius, participating in an excursions and different activities,making presentations and a research.

The next day of the mobility in Lithuania the participants of the Erasmus project “BUILD UP Y(OUR) FUTURE THROUGH ARTS” made musical instruments from the recycled material.
During the third day of the mobility in Lithuania young designers from Lithuania, Italy, Poland, Purtugal and Turkey renewed old clothes and prepared an amazing new fashion collection!!!
On the fourth day of the mobility in Lithuania all Erasmus project participants had the journey through musical sounds. The students not only were meditating during gongs therapy, but also recorded the musical pieces themselves, which they managed to pllay with the musical instruments made with their own hands from secondary raw materials.
During the last workshop all participants had a possibility to listen to different ancient Lithuanian musical instruments.

The mobility in Lithuania had a task to weave a tape of friendship between different young people from different countries and cultures. The task was completed successfully
During the Farewell concert it took a shape of Lithuanian dance “ Siūlai, siūlai susivykit”, which was performed by the all participants of the project.

mercoledì 26 ottobre 2022

Working on portfolio

 Creating Portfolio
On October 25, the participants of the Erasmus+ project "Build Up (Your) Future Through Arts" from five countries: Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Portugal and Turkey met online and, creating individual creative portfolios, talked about their hobbies, free time activities and aspirations. Together, we were happy seeing each other's achievements and proud of the done work.
Thanks the Turkish friends for organizing this meeting!

Online webinar: how to showcase a portfolio


mercoledì 12 ottobre 2022



Creation of one huge puzzle

During the implementation of the international Erasmus+ project "Build Up (Y)Our Future Through Arts", the first mobility in Poland became the creation of one huge puzzle.
Representatives from five countries: Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Portugal and Turkey participate in the partnership of this project sharing ideas and learning from each other. Countries with different traditions, work culture and practices, respecting each other's cultural diferences, have set a common goal: to enable our youth to get to know other cultures, to be tolerant of their differences, to develop cultural dialogue, developing the intercultural awareness of all project participants. This is how the idea of "Puzzle" was born. After all, everyone of us is a piece of one huge puzzle that we have to assemble into a whole.
As soon as the threshold of the Przemysl II Lyceum in Poland was crossed by the project participants, the decorations of Puzzle pieces greeted them and accompanied in all mobility activities: during the dance lesson, a harmonious dance was created from individual steps, like small pieces of a puzzle; amazing works of art are sculpted from different elements in pottery workshops. Puzzle details played a particularly important role in the acting class, when they became the main element in conveying the meaning of human life. During the performance, the project participants used puzzle elements to illustrate the main stages of human life in order to emphasize the integrity of all human existence. The final chord was sounded during the painting session, when the project participants decorated individual pieces of the puzzle only with symbols specific to their cultures and created a seamless mosaic filled with vivid uniqueness from all the painting works. Finally, all the pieces of the puzzle were assembled into one beautiful work of art.
No matter how different we are, together we create a common picture of humanity.
Project coordinator Jūratė Pilsudskienė